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Sunshine Band

“This little light of mine...I'm going to let it shine!”

The Sunshine Band meets every Saturday from 11:00am – 1:45pm at which time the children participate in biblical training, music and arts and crafts. This necessary organization is designed to teach children how to express themselves, share and solve problems at an early age. And, most importantly, they learn one of the most fundamental tenets of our doctrine – the trinity; God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; and the Holy Spirit. With an ongoing calendar of events, the Sunshine Band can be found singing at local area nursing homes and shopping malls; gardening and taking exciting field trips throughout the year. You can look forward to Sunshine Band incorporating sport activities and musical instrument training into their curriculum. Enrollment is available now for children ages three and potty trained to the age of twelve.

We Learn

There is so much to learn in the Sunshine Band. We begin with our pledges: the American, Christian and Bible. Next, we emphasize the importance of learning the Books of the Bible - thirty-nine in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New Testament. Then, we learn new music on a weekly basis. This not only includes singing but also instrumentation with specific workshops on keyboarding and rhythm. Finally, we spend a lot of time in various classes teaching age-appropriate biblical truths.

Benefits of the Sunshine Band Program

  • Age-appropriate Spiritual training
  • Music Enrichment
  • Field Trips
  • Nutritious Meals
  • Team Building